agl electronics

Electronics Hardware

We specialize in custom hardware and premade solutions in the electronics Industry

agl electronics

Electronics Hardware

We specialize in custom hardware and premade solutions in the electronics Industry

What i do

About me

Hello! I’m Alan, a Dutch tech student, entrepreneur, and the passionate founder of AGL-Electronics. My journey in the world of electronics began at the end of 2023, fueled by my aspirations as an up-and-coming electrical engineer. With two degrees in mechatronics under my belt and a third in progress, coupled with a focused pursuit of an electrical engineering degree from DTU in Denmark, my academic journey mirrors my professional endeavors.

AGL Electronics

Custom hardware

My fascination with electronics was sparked in 2016 when I received an Arduino kit from my parents. This modest beginning in the realm of hardware making quickly escalated from a leisure pursuit into a cornerstone of my career. I soon found myself immersed in increasingly complex projects, transitioning from school assignments to practical, real-world applications. This progression led to my assisting a local shop with laptop board repairs and eventually taking on bespoke orders for custom hardware.

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AGL-electronics Smarthome

My passion doesn’t stop there. I’m an avid smart home enthusiast, driven by the belief that everything, from lighting to thermostats and wall outlets, should be intelligent and seamlessly integrated. It’s this passion that has led me to develop a range of smart home products, with my flagship offering being LUMIN – a versatile smart LED strip controller designed and produced in the Netherlands. LUMIN is designed to bring any 24V or WLED strip into the smart era. It offers control through MQTT and Zigbee and with the BambuLab line-up of 3D printers to show the status of the printer with LEDs while all being configurable via our website.

We also offer a plug-and-play solution custom to the 3D printer market with the Ledbar that’s filled to the brim with addressable LEDs and compatible with the BambuLab printers, so you don’t need to buy a separate LED strip but instead only have to mount the Ledbar to your 3D printer riser. More info at Lumin.

What sets the AGL-Electronics smart products apart is our commitment to data transparency and user privacy. Dissatisfied with the opaque practices of mainstream cloud services, I established our own self-hosted cloud platform with all the hardware and software being owned by myself. This approach ensures full transparency and control over data, addressing a significant concern I’ve always had with off-the-shelf smart home products. of the not knowing were your data is used.


You Can Visit Us Now In More Places

Thunderbird Main Office

Houston, TX(state),USA / 559-291-3907

Thunderbird Service

New Brunswick, NJ(state),USA / 848-445-1520

Thunderbird Service

London, AR(state),USA / 479-293-6748

Thunderbird Care Point

New Orleans, LA(state),USA / 504-478-0112

Thunderbird Service

New Brunswick, NJ(state),USA / 848-445-1520

Thunderbird Service

London, AR(state),USA / 479-293-6748

We specialize in custom hardware and premade solutions in the electronics Industry

© 2023 Created with AGL Electronics